Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Say Hello to Poetry!!

April is National Poetry Month and I am so excited! Many people believe that the eyes are the windows to the soul but I believe poetry has that same affect. Poetry gives the writer an opportunity to creatively express themselves while the reader is provided a similar situation and stimulating read. During the month of April, it is important to introduce students to various types of poetry such as: teen, lyric, american, prose, sonnet, romantic, dark and haiku poetry. By providing poetry in the classroom, the students will have a chance to explore the various styles of poetry along with expressing themselves through poetry. A teacher can bring in the lyrics to Tupac Shakur to explore lyrical poetry and Maya Angelou to exemplify self empowerment, Shakespeare for romanticism in poetry and themes, and Emily Dickinson lyric and experience. Once a student has been introduced to poetry and its variety, they will have an appreciation and involvement in the art. As a future educator, I will implement poetry into my classroom. Giving the students an equal opportunity to express themselves through words shows them the power behind their word choice. That power will later be displayed in a class poetry reading for students willing to share. Inspiring through poetry.  Happy Poetry Month!!

Poem by: Hiwot Adilow

For activities and ideas that can be used in the classroom in honor of National Poetry Month CLICK HERE!

1 comment:

  1. I love her energy and drive. I also agree; your name is who you are. It is something that the oppressors took from our ancestors, however; “My name is a jealous god!”? I don’t know about that one. I have my own belief…
