Friday, April 19, 2013

Preparing for Final Exams

The end of the semester is approaching quickly. While we are all scrambling to get our financial aid and registration taken care of, there is still one important thing that we cannot excuse which is final exams. Finals and preparation for finals can add a lot of unwanted stress to a students life. It is important to make time for all your personal and school related activities when it comes to preparing for the test. Here are a few tips on preparing for final exams:

  1. Create a study Schedule: When studying for finals, it is important to create a schedule for studying purposes along with breaks. For example, study for your physics exam from 5:00-6:00pm, take a 15-30 minute break, then study for algebra from 6:30-7:30
  2. Go to bed early: Getting enough rest for your exams is crucial. Give your brain and body a break!
  3. Avoid Stress: Stress can be a negative factor to your study habits. Stress can cause distractions that will take your focus away from your main goal. Also, if you notice your study partner is stressed, give them some time to themselves because stress can be contagious. 
  4. Eat a healthy meal: Eating a healthy meal will provide your body the nutrients needed to run successfully. Foods such as blueberries can improve your memory which can be helpful during the exam. 

-Additional tips for preparing for final exams are provided below:


  1. These are great tips, hopefully when I follow them it relieves a big burden off my shoulders.

  2. For someone who is preparing this is great advice. Good luck to everyone on there finals!
